Listening to the Public (NOT!)

Having heard Ms Spelman’s explanation of her decision, to release PFI credits for
the proposed incinerator at Saddlebow in Kings Lynn, fellow Tory minister and North
West Norfolk MP Henry Bellingham said:

“We are in government to listen to the public and to our constituents and to
take decisions for the greater good of the community. In a case where the
opposition is so overwhelming it’s no good that it looks like the public are
being ignored.”

What a pity we don’t have him as our local MP in Broadland as our MP Keith
Simpson seems to take the view that it is best not to say anything at all on any local

It’s also a pity that local Tory Councillors don’t seem to have the same view as Henry
Bellingham as they continue to ignore the public on their plans to build thousands of
houses in the North East Growth triangle. Indeed in their documentation for the new
consultations, that we in SNUB have forced them to carry out following our win in the
High Court, they call members of the public “objectors”. Charming!

Listenting to the public doesn’t seem to happen in Norfolk!


  1. ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................K.Simpson (MP).

  2. Says it all Keith!
