Community Involvement

Now you might think that with all of this community involvement and consultation that BDC would listen to what the residents want and then deliver a strategy that delivers those wants.  Anyway, that’s what we thought at SNUB where we have spent the last 2 years trying to get BDC to listen to what residents say.

However at a recent BDC internal committee meeting (for those who want to know it is called the Overview and Scrutiny Committee) the Portfolio Holder for Planning Policy and Conservation (Councillor Andrew Proctor who lives in Brundall not Rackheath) pointed out that, whatever the future held, there would be development at Rackheath, including housing, and that the development would be led by economic considerations. Community involvement...???

So why bother with all of the cost of consultation and Rackheath residents saying they do not want large scale development on their doorstep!  Mind you, Councillor Proctor did say at one of SNUB’s public meetings that Dakenham Hall Barns would be approved in May; it was rejected in June so what does he know!!

1 comment:

  1. There has been a steady stream of opposition voiced in the columns of the newspapers, simply because there is no other way that residents can express their views.

    They just ignore that and invent bogus consultation with no heed taken of views expressed, then claim the right to proceed at will.
