Apparently we are all in need of an eco-education!

According to Broadland District Council we need to have an eco-education centre built at Rackheath because:

"Local communities, the local press and the nation as a whole still struggle with what an “Eco Community” comprises. It is important to educate and demonstrate to all members of the Rackheath and wider community what the “Eco” designation for the development is trying to achieve. 

This project will engage with school children and adults both in and around Rackheath and across Norfolk to explain and educate not only the merits of an eco community, but the practicalities and ability of everyone to participate in ecologically sound developments and lifestyles."

An application (No 20110156) for just such a centre will be put before the Planning Committee. Broadland District Council seem intent on spending the money given to them by the previous government for eco-town related projects rather than diverting it towards more important services. In the current economic situation do we really need to build an eco-education centre and bus in school children from across Norfolk - hardly an eco-friendly or cost-free exercise in itself. The Holt Youth project apparently spends 40% of its budget on transport - how much will be spent on transport to and from the proposed eco-centre ( not to mention the loss of teaching time whilst travelling to the centre!)?

Apparently BDC are also planning to use the facilities for some of their existing training courses and will close the facilities at Thorpe. Once again is this good use of public money? If the argument is that the eco-project money needs to be spent on just that activity then how can BDC justify moving an existing non eco-project service into the new building? There are plenty of empty office and factory units available throughout the area so why build something new? The eco-education centre in Derbyshire has already been built and offers courses to adults but its aim is to promote sustainable building skills, including dry stone walling, to support the rural economy and conserve its heritage.Whereas as the Rackheath project seems keener to persuade people into accepting that building over agricultural land is somehow eco-friendly!


  1. Building on agricultural land seems to be beyond the comprehension of our good burghers.
    This is despite the warnings coming from the University and the forecast for world population growth. In 1804 the world's population reached 1.0 billion, by 1927 the population had grown to 2.0 billion, in 1960 it had doubled to 4.0b, in 2000 it was 6.0b and by 2050 it is forecast to be 9.0b.
    It has been estimated that the demand for food in the next 50 years will be roughly the same as the amount which has been produced in last 10,000 years. The crisis could be on us by about 2030 just 4 years after the GNDP has completed its current plans.
    So what will they teach in the eco centre. If we stop using plastic bags and reduce Co2 consumption we will save the world.
    The ecologically sound development is one which preserves food producing land. We are going to need it.

  2. PS

    Perhaps an eco centre should be teaching agricultural skills and promoting the self sufficiency which can be achieved in a decent sized garden. That is instead of cramming as many houses as they can onto every plot of land and promising allotments.

  3. Here is a link which illuminates the issue:

  4. We have plent of training resources without Broadland "empire building" and building a training centre out in the countryside not even served by a bus route. This is just trying to force "Their Wretched Ecotown" through. Surely Broadland should be cutting BACK on staff in these difficult times.

  5. This is just another Empire Building exercise to employ yet more civil servants and boost the unwanted Ecotown. Why do they go into Education when they cannot even empty our bins on a weekly basis. Perhaps they will fly to China again to talk about this venture.


    • Norfolk’s total population change over the 25 years to 2033 would be made up of
    approximately 221,700 gain from net in-migration and around 2,800 loss from
    natural change (more deaths than births)
