Let's have a 'growth triangle' on the opposite side of the city to where we create new jobs

The EDP have reported on a newly opened centre at Norwich Research Park (NRP) on the South West fringe of Norwich. It is the first stage in a plan to create 5,000 new jobs and has more than 30 offices and laboratory suites where, according to the NRP Innovation Centre website, "start-up, new, existing science based businesses have access to a stimulating and extensive range of science and business enabling facilities."

The Greater Norwich Development Partnership are one of the stakeholders in the NRP Innovation Centre and yet their Joint Core Strategy has declared the North East Triangle of Norwich as the major growth area for housing with at minimum 10,000 homes. Where is the sense in building so many homes on the opposite side of Norwich to where you are creating thousands of jobs?

But when Broadland District Council see nothing wrong in suggesting that the extra cost of building homes to higher levels of sustainability on the proposed 'Exemplar' site at Rackheath should be funded out of  the £10m allocated by the previous government for infrastructure projects for the proposed eco-town then our world in Broadland really has gone mad. So the tax payer is to subsidise the developer in order for him to sell the homes at an attractive and affordable price? People will be queuing up to snap up the bargains whilst the developer still makes his fortune thanks to the taxpayer.


  1. where can I sign up for one of the jobs that will be going when they start building the 200 houses; if we get some building jobs in Rackheath that must be a good thing.

  2. I am sorry to see that you are still out of work Mark.

  3. If the Planners had any sense they would build the houses near the jobs. 5,000 new jobs proposed at the Science Park. Why force people to live in a awful urban housing estate miles from main work areas. They also build a Training Centre to give more jobs for the bureaucrats when we could do with more Starter Units. They never learn.

  4. If you want to see where the money is being wasted look at the Guardian on Wednesdays and the Public Sector adverts for jobsworths. If it was not so serious it would make you laugh.
    Anyone interested in being a Condom adviser, it pays well.

  5. Is it legal for Broadland Council to use our money to subsidise the Ecohomes so as their developer friend makes his profit ? Wish they would subsidise my new home. Only 5/10% of the 200 are going to be eco, the rest are a bog standard urban housing estate dumped in Grade 2 farmland. Someone must be making £Millions
