Visitors to this site know about the Rackheath Programme Board. It was set up by the District Council with representatives from the Local Community. However the residents had little input to the way in which the Council progressed development because they have never had a voice. They have been lectured to rigourously by Council Officers and used as a channel for transmitting the Council's message but it has never constituted a partnership.
The Minutes from the latest Broadland Community Partnership Board were reported to the Council on 22 March yet even here there was only a noting of the report. So who are they and how do they represent the Community, well....

The following organisations make up the Broadland Community Partnership Board:

You might look in vain for anyone who is not an official of some sort. Even the Councillors are only represented by officials. If this is what passes for Community involvement the Government are completely ignorant of what is happening locally.

You would also be forgiven if you were unable to determine its purpose. It seems to search for ways to pay grants on mindless projects. You would not think we were in an era of stringency. More jobs to keep council employees from redundancy?

In case you think this is open Government just look for the agenda and minutes of these meetings on Broadland District Council's website. You will not find them except in other reports !


  1. But isnt the role of a community partnership board to bring together representatives of ORGANISATIONS serving the community so they can try to co-ordinate activity. This seems like a pediophile/pediatrician type of mistake!

  2. I am from North Korea and I am wanting to escape to freedom. I am doing research into places. I was thinking England would be a good place. But now I read this blog I am looking elsewhere!

  3. Secular Sprowston2 April 2011 at 08:29

    The vicar of Rackheath seems to represent Faith Communities in Broadland. From whence does she draw her authority, there are many Christian faiths in Broadland; Non-Conformist, Catholic and others before we consider the immigrant population or the overwhelming non-religious section of the community. How does she represent them?
    There are many people in the the locality never mind Broadland as a whole who resent this as her Anglican congregation is probably less than 200.

    What is much more likely is that the priest has been a supporter of the District Councils massive development plans ever since being appointed at Rackheath.

  4. Just as with the old Rackheath Programme Board this new Committee does NOT represent the Village at all. They never intended it to as this is how a DICTATORSHIP works. Our only hope now is the MAY ELECTIONS when perhaps we can return some LOCAL PEOPLE who will represent us.

  5. This smacks of a Dictarship. Was this the reason for the large Police presence at the Council meeting - what a waste of Police Time or were the Councillors just trying to prove a point. I thought this type of Government died out when we won the last War, but I am wrong.

  6. How can the BDC have the cheek to call this a Community Parnership, more like the Broadland Dictatorship. Our Parish Councils must wake up fast before they lose their input.

  7. Getting all these public bodies together is clearly on the slippery slope to fascism. It is just a way for unelected officers to plot against us!

  8. We have a Judas or maybe two amongst us working for Broadland and against the overwheling majority of local residents.
    How can he or she sleep at night with such treachery and shame,or don't they have a conscience?

  9. I have lived in this village for well over 40 years and do not recognise a single name except the local vicar who has only recently come in and may well soon move on. I doubt whether she represents little more than 1% of the local population so that effectively means that Rackheath and Salhouse residents are being excluded once again. We are good enought to pay our rates but have no say in what goes on.

  10. Our vicar should not be involving herself in politics especially when she is helping Broadland District Council to dictate to the local people. The locals have made it clear that they do not want any of this development and our Vicar should be standing with them and not against them.

  11. The large police presence at the Broadland meeting the other night was to stop any more tory councilors from leaving the meeting and causing even more embarrassment...I mean,no Carswell, no Vincent ( I heard,Mr.Vincent forgot which one of his 3 hats he was supposed to wear,got so confused, he ended up putting on one of his partners stockings over his head.....and his case comes up before the beak next week).....and the worst thing was when Mackie got a detention for ballsing-up his history Exam on William Kett ( again)...tut,tut..oh what fun!..the Cheekie Chappie.

  12. did you hear the one about the big fat ex Broadland portfolio holder that used to help run a youth club a few years ago???
