The Voice of the People

There have been, since the 1st January this year, 28 postings on the SNUB Blog which have attracted a total of 104 comments and 780 'like' ticks as opposed to 25 'dislike' ticks.  This is an average of 4 comments per post with an average of 28 'likes' for each post against less than 1 'dislike' for each of the postings.  This level of activity, with the vast majority of the comments being positive, vindicate the stance that SNUB are taking on behalf of local residents who have nowhere else to post their thoughts on the plans for large scale development in the North East Growth triangle.

The number of visitors to our Blog has been steadily growing since the Examination in Public was held in Norwich. Perhaps all those visitors to our website (1,662 since January 1st 2011) ranging from local Councillors to Whitehall departments will see the level of activity and respond to the various calls for their interventions.


  1. It just shows what the Council and the members care about their residents. One member when asked if he had seen the blog said he took his information from
    Other sources.
    Closed minds in an era of localism does not auger well for the future of Local Government and it's good that we find out before and not after the election.

  2. Thanks to SNUB for keeping us and the Parish Councils in the picture about what is going on behind our backs at Broadland Council. Also our thanks for representing our views so well at the recent Planning Enquiry. Surely this is what local democracy is all about. Keep it up.

  3. What a pity Broadland Council and our elected members do not read your Blog regularly, they might then find out what the residents think as they do NOT listen to us at the public meetings

  4. Vote green (16th Feb post)may be able to obtain the email address of the councillor involved so that we can send him direct emails expressing our opinions. It is shameful that he is not looking at both sides of the problem and he is presumably taking the easy course of following the councils dictat and not listening to the whole arguement. That is not democratic behaviour. He/she should remember that May 5th is fast approaching.

  5. Thank goodness we have SNUB to voice the concerns of the residents as our wretched Council at Broadland is not interested in our views only the profits of their Developer friends. Please keep up your good work. We moved here to live in the Broadland countryside and not in a city.
