The minutes for the GNDP Policy Group Meeting on 16th December are now available on their website and one can see under item 9, Any Other Business, that members discussed public access to these meetings.
Apparently members on the Policy Group noted that their work was nearing completion and that the next meeting to be held in March would probably be the last, however, they agreed that it would NOT be a public meeting. They magnanimously agreed that any subsequent group set up to manage further development should be set up so as to allow public access but this is a bit late for the people of Norfolk. The GNDP's arrogance has been noted on many occasions and during the recent EiP even the Inspector raised his eyebrows when it was brought to his notice that these meetings had been held behind closed doors. However, as we have seen, the GNDP continued with their practice in spite of criticism and pressure from members of the public to be allowed admittance.
Where is their accountability? To allow this select band of people to have the power to shape Norfolk's future in secret is scandalous - their arrogance knows no bounds. They have now had to extend the deadline for responses to the Inspectors' changes from 2nd February to 5pm on Friday 4th February as their advertisement in the local weeklies did not appear until 7th January! Visitors to the GNDP website will not automatically be made aware of this change - the change of date appears under a heading dated 30th December. Regular visitors would not expect to have to re-read something created on that date to find new information like this - it should have been highlighted.
How can the unelected GNDP Quango who meets in secret behind closed doors ever have the cheek to say they represent the local residents. All they represent are the Developers, which is why they meet in secret. Hope Eric Pickles has noted their arrogance and will add them to his list to be removed.