Are we being taken seriously?

One of the effects of the proposed Localism Bill is the need for potential developers to ensure that they get 'buy in' from local communities as part of their initial scoping studies.  We have seen this in the 'Charrette' that the developers of Belmore Woods carried out last year.

We in SNUB have also been approached by Build Beyond Green to discuss this and their thoughts on Broadland can be seen at  In addition we have had a request from the Lothbury Trust who are the financers behind Broadland Business Park ( for a meeting.

It will be interesting to see what these developers want of us and how serious they take our views of community engagement and involvement.  We will see if there views are the same as ours although we will not hold our breath.

Anything will be better than the attempts by Broadland District Council to secure local communities views through difficult and convoluted consultations, sham forums like the Rackheath Community Board and their propensity to ignore petitions just because we will not hand them over!  They lost one of our first ones; how convenient!


  1. The 'Belmore Park' charette was a complete sham, not anything to be held up as an example of the way things should be done!

    If anyone is in any doubt, take a look at:-

    Its hard to see how this was better than nothing, even by BDC's standards! Watch out when you meet these wannabe developers. They'll promise the earth, then build all over it.

  2. Whatever you do, do not trust Broadland District Council as they represent the Developers and not the residents. Our only hope is to get rid of them in May and elect people who will truly represent us.

  3. With regard to the comment about submitting a petition to Broadland District Council, this will always be taken seriously. As you have previously reported on your blog, Broadland District Council now provides a facility on its website where you can create an online petition.
    If you should have a paper petition you wanted to deliver to us we would be happy to photocopy it for your records in your presence and to issue a receipt for it. We remain committed to hearing the views of all sections of all of our communities.
